Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Journaling Outloud

Honestly I'm not sure exactly why I decided to create a blog. I think it may have just been an excuse to do something besides laundry. I guess because I read other blogs that give me encouragement, insight and laughter, I thought I would enter that world and see what I could contribute...yeah, yeah, I realize I have not said anything that would result in any of the three...give me time.
And as for the title of my blog WWJanaD? It is a joke among some of my friends and not meant to be irreverent. If you can't love Jesus AND have a sense of humor, this blog of mine that you somehow accidentally stumbled upon is probably not one you will want to subscribe to...instead just check back every now and then and say, "Can you believe she said that?" I get that all the time ;)
That being said I hope this will be a place that women can come to and minister to each other because God is good!
Now it is possible due to my lack of blogging knowledge that none of this is going out on the ole world wide web and I am just journaling...or talking (typing) to myself. That is ok too I guess. Maybe in my next post I will have more enlightening words to say to me (and you if you're out there). For now lets just consider this one practice. Testing...1...2...3...

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to blogging, Jana! I am visiting from My Week in Review. I have done exactly as you have with the baby birds and made the same analogies as they relate to my older children. Our oldest (also a girl) is 4 weeks away from finishing cosmetology school, has purchased a small home, and is engaged to be married next summer. She has secured a job (thank goodness) and starts there soon. I stress ALL THE TIME about her and the choices she is making, praying for her that she will make wise choices. It's crazy! Enjoy this time with her. It's really fun to see our kids making it out in the real world. Blessings!
