I read a really funny blog this morning on back to school 1970 vs today. Check it out at www.scarymommy.com. Then I saw on Facebook where a friend had taken a picture of her daughter's beautiful hair and mentioned that her daughter now wanted a new hair style every day of school. So mom of course will be turning to Pinterest. I am NOT making fun of her, I am just glad that Pinterest was not around when my children were small. I would have sooooo tried to be that Pinterest mom! That being said, I want to say to you younger moms...your first day of school pics of you kids with the amazing crafty "first day of kindergarten" signs...they are adorbs! But...please do not spend your child's lifetime knocking yourself out to be the best Pinterest mom...be the best Mom! Spend time with your kids, tell them about Jesus, show them Jesus and just ENJOY them. Take a cue from the 1970's moms and slowwwww dowwwn.