This week we moved our oldest child and only daughter into her first college dorm. It has been an experience full of mixed emotions.
In the weeks leading up to this we had a bird build a nest on our back porch fan. I had watched the 3 baby birds as they were born and their mom took such good care of them but you could tell when it was time for them to leave.
1. They had out grown the nest. I think that mama bird knew exactly what size to build the nest so that when they got big, they had no choice but to launch. I think once our 18 year olds graduate high school, they also have started to outgrow the nest. They are ready to start a new adventure, and while it is hard on us parents, this is what we raised them to do.
2. The mama bird was no longer bringing them food. She would perch a few feet away from them and call to them. This is a hard place to be as a mom. How much space do we give? While we are encouraging them to fly on their own, we still want to step in and make it easier for them.
I have to admit I got a little obsessed watching these birds and had great concern for them. What if they tried to fly but faltered? Would they be able to get back up? Would the dogs get them? Obviously I was transferring some of my own fears for my child onto these birds (I am ridiculous sometimes!)
Even with our very imperfect parenting (fortunately we gave her over into God's hands a long time ago) Savannah has grown into a fantastic young woman. She is very capable of flying well! While I am sure there will be times she will falter or dogs will try to bring harm, she is a child of God and with Him she will SOAR!!
More to come later as I adjust to my nest being a little emptier...